Arab Regional Network on Women, Peace, & Security Issues 10-Point Manifesto on Conflict & Post-Conflict

10–Point Manifesto on Women’s Rights and Security

Date: 3 April 2014

The Arab Regional Network on Women, Peace, and Security, which was launched in October 2013 and is composed of women from 13 countries from the Arab region, met in Amman, Jordan, during 1-3 April 2014 to deepen understanding of causes and consequences of issues related to women, peace, and security, and establish strategies and indicators for protection, prevention, participation, and promotion of women’s safety, inclusion, and security in peace and transition processes and conflict situations within the region.

In light of ongoing situations within the region (e.g. violence and discrimination against refugee women, violence against women committed as tools of war, women’s exclusion from peace talks and transition processes, women’s political exclusion from constitution-drafting committees and government bodies, and women’s lack of protection under national laws), the Arab Women's Peace and Security Network strongly urges governments of the Arab League, the European Union, and the United Nations Development Programme and UN Women and other UN bodies to consider and implement our 10-Point Manifesto:

  1. To develop national plans to implement requirements of UN SCRs 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889, and 2122 on women, peace, and security and create the necessary mechanisms and measures to enforce them, by virtue of a participatory approach with the CSOs and the Crisis Management Unit at the League of Arab States, provided that women are main and active participants in this approach.
  2. To involve women in the national, regional and global committees, taskforces and consultations pertinent to conflict resolution, peace building and reconciliation processes.
  3. To adopt a gender-sensitive approach in drafting of policies and national strategies in conflict and post-conflict situations.
  4. To review the educational system in Arab region from a gender sensitive and human rights’ lens ensuring promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence.
  5. To foster professional media and communication policies and code of conducts sensitive to gender, peace, and security.
  6. To call on national and local governments to adopt gender-responsive national and local budgets and ensure gender responsive recovery.
  7. To urge the Crisis Management Unit at the League of Arab States to incorporate gender dimension in all program components.
  8. To ensure that women representatives are present on the ground as an integrated and respected part of groups and institutions tasked with creating security and stability, including women envoys and peacekeepers.
  9. To ensure that women representatives and gender experts are included in Expert Assessment Teams sent to evaluate countries in conflict.
  10.  To ensure that women’s organizations and networks are strengthened to ensure responsiveness and accountability on gender issues in conflict and post-conflict situations.      

First Person: The 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women


Women pivotal to bringing lasting peace to countries in conflict