Justice for Salwa 2022

Photo of Salwa Bugaighis delivering speech. A quote from her reads "they will not beat us and they will not thwart our democracy. We are determined to build the Libya we have always dreamed of"

The Karama network has paid tribute to Libyan Salwa Bugaighis on the 8th anniversary of her murder.

Salwa, a lawyer, politician and co-founder of the Libyan Platform for Peace was murdered in her home after returning from casting her ballot in the last general election to be held in Libya.

Since her assassination, Salwa’s friends and colleagues have rallied under the call that justice for Salwa is justice for all.

The campaign has seen Salwa’s case raised in international forums including the UN Security Council.

Remarking on the anniversary, Zahra’ Langhi of the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace said:

Since Salwa’s assassination on the day the parliamentary elections eight years ago, Libya has fallen into a state of chaos, violence and deep divisions. The international community must play its role by supporting Libya in fulfilling its obligations towards the Security Council resolutions 1970 and 2174. Libya also has a duty to eradicate impunity, and to respect, protect and fulfill its human rights obligations, and there can be no way forward without first establishing peace and justice.
— Zahra' Langhi, LWPP
Photograph of Salwa Bugaighis giving the V sign. Under it is a quote from Salwa saying "Fight peacefully by using your vote"

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